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The Fundamental Ways of Optimizing WordPress and Divi for Peak Performance – A DIY Primer

WordPress and Divi are two of the most popular tools for building websites. However, as a website grows, it can become slower and less responsive. This is why optimizing for peak performance is important. By doing so, you can improve your website’s speed, user experience, and search engine rankings. In this article, we’ll explore the steps you can take to optimize your WordPress and Divi website for peak performance.



Step 1: Analyzing Your Website’s Performance

The first step in optimizing your website is to analyze its performance. There are several tools you can use to do this, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom. These tools will give you a detailed report on your website’s performance, including its loading speed, page size, and number of requests. Based on this report, you can identify the areas that need improvement.



Step 2: Implementing Best Practices for WordPress and Divi

Once you’ve identified the areas that need improvement, you can start implementing best practices for WordPress and Divi. These include:

  • Using a caching plugin to speed up your website
  • Optimizing your images for the web
  • Minimizing the number of plugins you use
  • Using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your website’s content from multiple locations
  • Enabling Gzip compression to reduce the size of your website’s files
  • Enabling the options in the Divi theme that optimize its performance (Dashboard, Divi, Theme Options, General, Performance)

By implementing these best practices, you can significantly improve your website’s performance.



Step 3: Advanced Techniques for Optimizing WordPress and Divi Performance

If you want to take your website’s performance to the next level, there are several advanced techniques you can use. These include:

  • Using a dedicated server or a virtual private server (VPS) instead of shared hosting
  • Using a reverse proxy server to cache your website’s content
  • Minifying your website’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
  • Using lazy loading to defer the loading of images and videos until they are needed
  • Using a database optimization plugin to clean up and optimize your website’s database
  • Enabling HTTP/2 to improve your website’s loading speed

These advanced techniques require more technical knowledge and may require the help of a developer. However, they can significantly improve your website’s performance.


Optimizing your WordPress and Divi website for peak performance is essential for improving your website’s speed, user experience, and search engine rankings. By analyzing your website’s performance, implementing best practices, and using advanced techniques, you can significantly improve your website’s performance. Remember to regularly monitor your website’s performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it continues to perform at its best. Another great option is to let Jicama take care of these chores plus backups and updates for you, it’s what we were made for.